
Apartment Hunting 10 Things to Consider Before You Move In

6: Plan purchases/Budgeting

One of the most important tools when looking to rent an apartment is your budget. Staying on top of your own finances and knowing what you own money-wise will help you to plan what you can afford to buy for your apartment. Many rental tenants may not plan in advance how much living in a specific apartment will be and run into issues down the road. The scariest thing is not being able to afford rent, getting notices in your mail about being late and eventually being evicted. If you know the amenities and you know your budget, you can plan future purchases accordingly.

7: Roommates

Establishing who you are going to be living with seems like a no brainer, but evaluating your potential roommates for responsibility and tolerance is very important. Choosing someone you can get along with, be around in almost any situation, and trust to pay rent each month will make your living quarters much less tense and stress-free.

8: Utilities/Remodeling

Almost all apartments are different in the way they allow you to handle any remodeling. It should state within your lease agreement how strict the association is with customizing your apartments amenities and even renovations. Things like TV and Wifi may be included in your amenities, but sometimes you might have to buy them yourself. Remodeling is also something that may be in your control.

There are apartments where nothing can be changed and everything has to stay the way it is. But then there are apartments where you could remove complete walls and change the entire living space. Knowing if you can hang pictures, paint walls, install blinds, or remove furniture is definitely something to know about before choosing a place to live.

9: Safety

You want to make sure you are living in a trusted, secure neighborhood. You want to ensure that your landlord will not steal from you, or that your neighbors will not try to take advantage of you. Fire safety is also important so make sure your apartment complex has frequent alarm testing and working fire alarms.

10: Insurance

The very last thing to know about your apartment is renter’s insurance and liability coverage. Renter’s insurance will protect your items against theft, fire, or weather damage while on rented property. Liability coverage will help protect the landlord’s belongings and property if you damage it.

If you consider the above 10 things before moving into a new apartment, you will be set for a smooth, stress-free experience.

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